Wikislovník:Otázky a odpovede
upraviťOtázka Ako pridám nové slovo?
Odpoveď Môžeš pridať nové slovo, tým, že vytvoríš vhodný odkaz na Wikislovník:By Topic. Pozri sa aj na Wikislovník:How to start a page.
Otázka Kde je abecedné listovanie?
Odpoveď Skús namiesto toho použiť vyhľadávaciu funkciu. Špeciálne:Allpages je zoznam všetkých strán na Wikislovníku, zahŕňajúc funkčné stránky na Wikislovníku: namespace. Môžes taktiež vyskúšať By Alphabetical Order, čo zahŕňa rýchly prístup k slovám aj na konci abecedy.
Otázka Našiel som základné slovo, ktoré chýba vo Wikislovníku, ale poznám iba malé vysvetlenie výrazu. Na Wikislovníku vyzerá, že chcete plný význam slova alebo nič! Nie som lexikologista. Som iba niekto, kto ma pocit, že môže pridať slovo s obyčajným vysvetlením. Neviem mnoho o etymológii, prekladoch a podobných veciach! Vo Wikipedii je veľa ľudí spokojných s tým, že prídu a upravujú články. Platí to aj tu?
Odpoveď Áno! Wikislovník je stále oveľa menší ako Wikipedia, ale filozofia slovníka je takisto silná. Ak slovo neexistuje, pridaj ho. Ak veľa nevieš o etymológii, nevadí, tvoj skromný príspevok je lepší ako nič. Niekto iný môže pridať etymologický výraz inokedy.
upraviťOtázka Ako vložím IPA symboly a špeciálne znaky pre výslovnosť?
Odpoveď Na vrchu stránky by mal byť pomocník na výslovnosť, ako toto: /ˈwɪkʃənrɪ/, /ˈwɪkʃənˌerɪ/
Otázka Ako napíšeme tieto symboly a je tam tabuľka, ktorá indikuje, ktorý symbol vytvorí určitý zvuk?
Odpoveď Táto tabuľka by ti mala byť nápomocná: IPA Examples
IPA, SAMPA (better use X-SAMPA!), SAMPA chart, a SAMPA for English sounds. Skopíruj a vlož.
Otázka IPA symboly sa mi zobrazujú ako štvorčeky v Internet Explorery, dá sa to nejako upraviť?
Odpoveď Najľahšia cesta pre užívateľov Windowsu je uistiť sa, či máte nainštalovanú sadu "Arial Unicode MS". Potom choďte na Nástroje/Možnosti Internetu/Písmo (V anglickej verzii Tools/Internet Options/Font). Vyberte "Web page font" z "Latin based" "Language script" na "Arial Unicode MS".
Formátovanie článkov
upraviťOtázka Ako formátujeme články? Je nejaká štandardná forma, ktorú by sme mali používať?
Odpoveď Snažíme sa prísť so šťandardným formátom článkov. Viď Wikislovník:Template.
Q Some people link to other words as they type a definition. Since every English word would eventually be listed on the Wiktionary, maybe someone could add a code (which perhaps could be turned off) that made every word link to its corresponding entry.
A When an article is loaded, each linking word is checked to see if the article on the word exists, and it is marked in red or blue accordingly. If every word were being checked, it could eventually cause serious slowdowns. This already happens in the much larger Wikipedia project when you load a link rich article.
Writing definitions
upraviťQ. How should we go about writing definitions ?
A. The easiest way is to think up a number of examples where the word is used (or better still find actual uses of the word) and write the tightest definition that would be accurate for all of the examples.
Q. How shouldn't we go about writing definitions ?
A. By looking at other dictionaries and glossaries and making a definition based on them. This is for two main reasons:
- Wiktionary should represent the language as it is used in practice, and many dictionaries/glossaries are biased by age, authorship, genre or affiliation and so do not do this.
- Dictionary makers normally compare their definitions with other dictionaries to find differences, if dictionaries were based on each other this would end up making the practice akin to inbreeding, in that weak or poor definitions would survive indefinitely as they would be shared by all dictionaries.
Limiting and/or ordering definitions
upraviťQ: To avoid bias, should we sometimes limit or order the definitions so as to avoid giving the impression that rare or difficult uses of a word are more common than they are?
A: Yes, in general, the most commonly-used definitions of a word should be those listed first, and meanings that contradict or over-generalize those commonly-used meanings should not be included at all, even if they are used in the language - links to wikipedia or references to the Oxford English Dictionary are better ways to ensure that the definitions are complete.
Q: Is there a subset of the wiktionary that would include only meanings that are known to be necessary for learning English as a second language, or for learning common English idioms, or for reading (say) high school textbooks?
A: No, such a subset would be a 'defining dictionary', and would have to contain about 2000 English words, prefixes and suffixes, in order to reliably define the 4000 or so idioms that are typically considered 'part of English'. Each of these 2000 words would only be defined in one or two senses, to avoid overloaded usage that would confuse readers. This would be a major project, and it would effectively mean that the wiktionary would have to exist at three levels of complexity: this defining dictionary of 2000 or so words, a basic dictionary of perhaps 5000 with at most three to five meanings of overloaded words, suitable for a native English speaker, and a comprehensive dictionary that would be comparable to the O.E.D.
Q: But that 'simplified wiktionary' still sounds like the right idea.
A: It is, and if you have the time, you could consider a separate project aiming to do just that! A starting point is that there would have to be three pages for each word, plus a 'Talk' page where the desirability of moving senses and adding links would have to be discussed. Also index pages would have to be compiled at three levels of complexity, or more, depending on whether one wanted primary/secondary/college/specialist levels of English to be supported in their own glossaries. As you can see, it's not a simple undertaking.
upraviťQ: I saw some copyrighted material in some article, submitted by user XYZ. What should I do?
A: First, make sure the copyright infringement is real from the date of publication. Remove the copyrighted material and justify your action so that it is clear to other users why you did so. Often copyright infringements come from repeated offenders. Take some time to look at other contributions by the offender. If the cleaned up articles need improvement afterwards, feel free to contribute your own original work.
upraviťQ: Occasionally in a discussion I see a reference to a "namespace". What is that?
A: A namespace is a zone of entries in which each entry has a name that is unique in that zone. Namespaces subdivide a Wiki into different contexts in order to allow the creation of entries with otherwise identical names. For example, the "Talk" namespace is a zone for discussion about entries in the general namespace. Namespaces are denoted by a prefix followed by a colon, as Diskusia:color.
Q: Where can I see a list of active namespaces?
Q: When should one create a new namespace, and how would one go about it?
Q: Is it possible to restrict a search to a given namespace?
Wikislovník v mojom rodnom jazyku
upraviťOtázka Čo mákm urobiť, ak chcem začať Wikislovník vo svojom rodnom jazyku?